The 10 Mistakes That Hurt Your Finances

Managing your finances in a sound way means peace of mind. It also allows you to carry out projects that are important to you while living normally, without depriving yourself and without going into excessive debt.

There are some good habits to take , but also some mistakes that can take a big toll on your finances.

Mistake # 1: living beyond your means

This is one of the most common mistakes made by those who have trouble making ends meet and who are forced to make credits in order to be able to finance their expenses.

Often these people don’t realize that they are living beyond their means.

They often think that their money problems are due to the high cost of living or rising prices.

Which is not the case.

There are people who only buy designer clothes or shoes when they have difficulty paying everyday charges like rent or bills.

To find out if you are making this mistake, all you need to do is analyze your financial situation :

1. By making a budget
2. By analyzing your expenses
3. By tracking your purchasing behaviors to detect those that are making you spend more money than you need to.

Mistake # 2: not keeping track of your finances

Most of those who have money problems don’t keep track of their spending.

They have the impression that it is a waste of time and that it is of no use anyway, when it is precisely the key to controlling your finances.

Especially if you’re having difficulty.

Tracking your finances will allow you to more easily analyze your expenses and effectively manage your budget by having a more accurate view of your money.

Mistake # 3: depending on credit

The credit is indeed a useful and practical way to finance large purchases such as your home or car.

However, if you contract credits too often, know that you will enter a downward spiral from which you will come out with difficulty.
This is the reason why you should resort to credit only in case of absolute need .

For other projects such as travel, work or purchase of equipment for home, prefer the savings and buy only when you can afford it.

Mistake # 4: don’t save

We forget to save . This is still a fairly common mistake. Because it is precisely savings that not only allow us:

• To deal with the unexpected
• But also to finance projects without needing to call on credit.

To fix this error, just start saving today !

Mistake 5: offers with payment in installments

These kinds of very tempting offers are attractive, but calling on them too often can only throw your budget off balance.

Even more if you do not follow it scrupulously every month so that you can plan the monthly payments and know exactly where you are.

If you accumulate offers of this kind, even if they are offered at zero rate, they will end up straining your budget and this can be the start of your financial problems .

Because, we must not forget that when you buy in several times, it is still a credit that you contract.

You are therefore living beyond your means, because if you had the means to pay for the property right away, you would not have used this kind of offer!

Mistake 6: giving in to impulse

It’s also one of the enemies of our finances : the impulse that makes us buy yet another pair of shoes when we don’t really need them.

The impulse also makes us give in to a special and tempting offer of a product that we will ultimately use very little, if not at all.

And it’s the impulse that drives us to fill our bags when we go to buy a coat and come home with a whole wardrobe!

Mistake # 7: giving in to an offer before analyzing it

We often forget to analyze the prices available, whether for:

• the credits
• The bank cards
• Bank changes
• Or the purchase of a household appliance or a computer

Giving in to an offer before comparing prices is a mistake that hurts our finances because we could save money if we spent a little time researching and comparing.

Mistake # 8: not analyzing our spending every year

It also harms our finances, because out of habit or by reflex we renew our insurance with the same institutions without even trying to see if we can get better elsewhere and for less.

Just as we will continue to do our shopping at the same supermarket, whereas if we analyzed a little, we would see that we could save a lot of money if we went to the supermarket next door.

Mistake # 9: owning a credit card without really needing it

As you probably know, a credit card is actually a bank card associated with revolving credit that is among the most expensive credits on the market .

By analyzing your needs, you may find that you could use a different type of credit , less expensive, to finance your occasional projects.

Not to say that having a credit card drives consumption .

This harms finances, especially if you have an ease to spend the money available on the card which is of course higher than what you actually hold.

Mistake # 10: forgetting to plan ahead

Planning ahead saves you money .

Planning ahead will go a long way in helping your finances.

1. Whether for your trips , where planning is essential to reduce your expenses
2. But also for the financing of your projects where planning makes it possible to replace credit with programmed savings

Just like forgetting to do this will hurt your budget balance.

Clean up your personal finances

If you avoid the mistakes that harm your finances and if in addition you adopt good reflexes such as saving, planning, analyzing, comparing, you will quickly see the good you will do for your personal finances .

Ideas For A Workspace At Home

Surely you have ever wondered how you should work from home. It is true that not all jobs can be carried out like this, although it is currently a normalized situation. Many people have a workspace at home , but it doesn’t go beyond a desk where some tasks are updated.

In this post we are going to discuss how a correct home workspace should be and what elements are essential in it. Before starting you have to be clear about the difference between working at home and working from home . We are going to focus on this second option, in which we need a specific space to be able to concentrate and carry out our work obligations normally and comfortably.

Large workspace

One of the main needs when building a workspace at home is to have a certain breadth . It is not necessary a large office, but a space in which we can enable a large desk . In this case we think of an area in which to work with a computer via online, although a home workspace may also be necessary for more artistic or manual aspects. In either case, amplitude is necessary.

In this way we will have a large work surface that allows us to carry out our tasks with ease. A well-oriented desk will be key to feeling that we are working from home and not occupying a space that does not correspond to what we are doing. Once we have this point ready, a work space at home must be complemented with other elements.

Organization and storage

Another very important aspect that must be fulfilled in a workspace at home is organization . Keeping our work area orderly will bring us great benefits and will make us more productive. For this, it is essential to have a good storage capacity, organizers or shelves. In short, elements that allow us to maintain order in our work space at home .

In addition to the drawers that our desk may have, it will be good to have all kinds of organizational elements, especially if we work with papers. Knowing where we have each element of our work will allow us to access it easily and save time on our tasks.

Work space at home

Here we have presented some ideas and tips for having a suitable, ready-to-use home workspace . In addition to the furniture elements, aesthetic aspects will also be important. The decoration or lighting of the space should also bring us comfort. We encourage you to build or improve your workspace at home.

Wood Finishes In The Bathroom

Nowadays it is not strange to see wood finishes in the bathroom . Given the characteristics of this material, it was not very common in a room where water and humidity are the protagonists. However, the treatment of materials and the possibilities they offer has changed a lot over the years.

Something that until recently seemed unlikely or only available to a few is now suitable for everyone. The image that is achieved using wood finishes is very pleasant and we can see them in many homes. From only being present in spaces such as the living room or bedrooms, it can now be applied in any space in the house .

Feeling of warmth

The wood finishes generate a very pleasant feeling of warmth for the home. From the interior design sector, this sensation is being transferred to spaces in which it was not usual and in which it has been shown that they have a place. One of them is the bathroom , in which it was customary to use neutral tones. Now a more personalized design is possible in this important room.

As it is a space for daily use, it must not only account for functionality. That the environment generated by the bathroom is pleasant and generates well-being is very grateful. This can be achieved in several ways and wood finishes are one of them. Whether it is the best or the only one can be debated, but there is no doubt that it provides it.


The type of materials is an interesting point, since the wood finish should not be confused with the exclusive use of wood. This type of design can be printed on all types of materials, what we are looking for is to have wood finishes in the bathroom, not necessarily use wooden elements.

An excellent option is found in the tiling of the walls. For this we can use imitation wood tiles and the result will be fantastic. In addition, the market offers us different shades and finishes , so it will be very easy to apply this type of finish in the way that we like the most.

In the same way we find the pavement. As we have mentioned, the bathroom is a space that tends to humidity and water. For example, with a ceramic flooring imitation parquet we will get benefits twice. First of all there is the visual aspect. An imitation wood floor will fit perfectly with the aforementioned tiling and, surely, with the bathroom furniture. On the other hand, and due to the type of surface, it will provide us with ease and speed when cleaning it.

If you want to print a new image in your bathroom, we recommend evaluating the option of the wood finish. On a practical level it will facilitate maintenance and visually the result will be incredible.

If you are about to make a bathroom renovation at home, you can take these considerations into account and contact a professional in your area to carry it out for you.