A cleverly chosen detail betrays the owner’s tastes and gives the bathroom an individual character. The main thing is that the bathroom fully meets the personal needs and expectations of the rest of the household. The biggest dilemma is the choice between shower and bath. When choosing a shower, sliding doors are also bought or invested in full shower stalls as a rule. If, however, you have already purchased only a shower tray or bathtub, then you should also think about buying additional elements, such as a curtain. Without this small, albeit necessary detail, the water will flood the entire room. This solution can only be used in suitable interiors. Only high-quality shower curtains are recommended, which effectively protect the bathroom from water while bathing. An excellent solution would be a waterproof PVC shower curtain designed for hanging from the eaves. Bath screens are sold in various colors; they are sliding and do not allow water or moisture to pass through.

The material for bath curtains is of the following options:

  • Textile shower curtains – they are very durable and also come in a variety of colors. It should be noted that they do not stick to the body when exposed to water.
  • The PVC shower curtain is definitely a cheaper product when compared to textile bath curtains. This option is easier to clean. However, the main disadvantage of this material is the fact that it sticks to a wet body while bathing, which can be extremely annoying in many cases.
  • Glass Curtain – It is suitable for both shower and bath. You can choose clear or frosted glass. The biggest advantages of glass curtains are their strength, tightness, and installation differentiation. There are curtains on the market installed on the right as well as on the left. Therefore, you will not be limited by the location of the bath. Among the disadvantages, of course, will be the high cost and more difficult cleaning.

 Bath screen: textile or PVC?

If you don’t want to choose solid foods, a textile or PVC curtain is a good and, above all, a cheap choice. What is the best shower curtain? It is definitely worth spending some on a textile curtain that is much more durable than PVC and also won’t stick to your wet body in the shower.

Buy a shower curtain by size.

If you want to purchase or order a curtain adapted to a bath or shower stall in terms of dimensions, then you have to make a few calculations. Remember first of all that its length should have been a little more than the bathtub since the curtain can be folded.

Bathroom curtain rod

In order for you to be able to use traditional shower curtains, you should choose rods for them on which they will be installed. Of course, the most important parameter will be length: on the market, you can find products from 70 to 300 centimeters. You can also purchase an adjustable shower bar (extension), the length of which will be adjusted accordingly. On the rods, there are special circles or teeth on which the curtain is superimposed.

Using a shower in the bathroom is sometimes tiring. To minimize the inconvenience and enjoy the moment, it is worth using a shower curtain with a waterproof cover to keep water from flooding the bathroom.